
Friday, April 27, 2012

Mobile Phones are NOT! Safe, Interview with Dr Annie Sasco, MD MPH MS Dr PH

Mobile Phones are Safe, NOT! Interview with Dr Annie Sasco, MD MPH MS Dr PH

Despite the voices of industry-funded scientists saying otherwise there is concrete evidence that mobiles/cellphones and wifi cause cancer in humans.

In 2011 the IARC reclassified them as Class 2B, possibly carcinogenic, yet they actually had enough evidence if not the balls to go further and classify them as Class 2A, probably carcinogenic.

Here Dr Annie Sasco, Harvard Doctorate, ex-Head of the IARC on cancer research, ex-cancer specialist for the WHO and now group leader of an INSERM, programme on cancer prevention in France, talks frankly in an exclusive interview about why we should be concerned - especially for children. Even if you don't use a mobile phone or wifi you are still affected. Watch this video for true facts, not industry-funded hype that there is no evidence of  harm. It could save your life.

At the 2010 Canadian Parliamentary committee hearing on Health Impacts of Microwave, Dr. Annie Sasco tesitifed, "If we want to wait for final proof, at least in terms of cancer, it may still take 20 years and the issue will become that we will not have unexposed population to act as control... But we have enough data to go ahead with a Precautionary Principle to avoid exposures which are unnecessary if our goal is to reduce somewhat the burden of cancer in the years to come and other chronic diseases."

Annie J. Sasco MD MPH MS Dr PH: Two Masters and a Doctoral degree in Epidemiology from Harvard University. Teaching fellow of Harvard University. Director of Epidemiology for Cancer Prevention in an Inserm (NIH) research unit, School of Public Health of the Victor Segalen Bordeaux 2 University in France. Training at the Bordeaux Medical School.  22 years at the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in Lyon, France, including 9 years as Group Leader and then Unit Chief of Epidemiology for Cancer Prevention and 2 years as Acting Chief of the Cancer Control Programme of the World Health Organization (WHO).