
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

BC Educational Plan Vs Non-WiFi Schools for Children of High Tech Executives

There is a limited time within which comments for BC's Educational Plan can be submitted. If you are concerned about the use of wireless microwave technology in schools, please utilize this chance to speak up. Comments don't have to be long. It only takes 2 minutes. Please do it today... and share with others who have this concern. Thank you!

Do NOT confuse LEARNING with expensive wireless gadgets that bear health risks on Children.

The Chief Technology Officer of eBay and many Executives of Silicon Valley giants like Google, Apple, Yahoo and Hewlett-Packard send their children to Waldorf (No WiFi) schools.

A Silicon Valley School That Doesn’t Compute

The Private School in Silicon Valley where Tech Honchos send their Kids so they DON'T use Computers

Silicon Valley Tech Execs Sending Kids to Tech-free Schools

High-tech and Autism:

Autism Report June 1987 – June 2007, Department of California Health
"From June 1987 through June 2007, California experienced a twelve-fold increase in individuals with autism being served by DDS".
That's 1200% increase in 10 years.

Childhood Autism Spikes in Geek Heartlands

"Childhood autism is two to four times as common in Eindhoven, the centre of the Dutch information technology industry, as it is in two comparably sized Dutch cities with far fewer IT employees".

"Rising autism has also been seen in regions such as Silicon Valley, California. But the Dutch study claims to be the first to directly ask
whether concentrations of IT workers mean more children with autism too".

"Researchers analysed data on autism prevalence on 62,000 school children in three Dutch cities, each with populations of around quarter a million.
"This was more than double the corresponding figure of 84 in Haarlem and four times the figure of 57 in Utrecht.

Autism - and its milder cousin Asperger's syndrome - is surging among the children of Silicon Valley. Are math-and-tech genes to blame?

Are Autism Spectrum Conditions More Prevalent in an Information-Technology Region? A School-Based Study of Three Regions in the Netherlands

Former President of Microsoft Canada Frank Clegg heads Advocacy Organization against Wireless Radiation
Mr. Frank M. Clegg served as the President of Microsoft Canada Co. from 1991 to 1996. He served as Vice President of Microsoft's Central U.S. and Canada Region since 1996 and again served as the President of Microsoft Canada Inc., from 2000 to January 2005. Prior to Microsoft, he worked several years with IBM Canada in senior management positions. He played a leadership role in Canada's technology sector and in the broader Canadian community for many years. Mr. Clegg has been Corporate Chairman of Navantis, Inc. since October 2005. He is heavily involved in numerous charitable foundations throughout Canada, including the Canadian National Institute for the Blind. He serves as the Chairman of the Board of Diversinet Corp. Mr. Clegg has been an Independent Director of Indigo Books & Music Inc. since February 1, 2005. He serves as a Director of Information Technology Association of Canada. He served as Director of Advanced Micro Devices Inc., from May 24, 2007 to April 29, 2010. He serves as a Member of Advisory Board of HelpCaster Technologies, Inc. Mr. Clegg  graduated from the University of Waterloo in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, where he earned an Honors Bachelors degree in Mathematics in 1977.

Other News

A Landmark Court Case has ruled there is a Link between using a Mobile Phone and Brain Tumours, paving the Way for a Flood of Legal Actions.

Video: Former Canadian Military Electronic Warfare Expert Jerry Flynn talks about the Health Impacts of Wireless Radiation

NEW Study - the Oxford Journals: 
The Suicidal Feelings, Self-Injury, and Mobile Phone Use After Lights Out in Adolescents 
"Conclusions: Mobile phone use after lights out may be associated with poor mental health, suicidal feelings, and self-injury in both early and late adolescents."

Man 'Cooks' His Sperm with Laptop
Doctors have told a UK man, 30, that his laptop was cooking his sperm and that’s why he and his wife were struggling to have a baby – tests had shown he was producing enough sperm but that they suffered heat damage. According to the Daily Mail, Scott Reed then put his laptop on his desk instead of his lap and three months later his wife Laura was pregnant.

BC Educational Plan Vs Non-WiFi Schools for Children of High Tech Executives